Extracurriculars and Fine Arts Survey

Survey Questions

Do you participate in any extracurriculars at your school?

If so, do you participate in a sport or a club or both?

If you answered yes to the last two questions, write a few sentences about how you feel about them, likes and dislikes. Be sure to include how you would feel if the programs you're involved in weren't able to be funded by your school.

Are you satisfied with the materials such as computers, textbooks, desks, projectors and other resources your school provides for you? Do you think it's necessary for you to have more of these materials for you to succeed, or do you believe you are provided with a sufficient amount?

Do you currently take fine arts classes (art, music and drama) at your school?

If you answered yes to the question above, write a few sentences about how you feel about them, likes and dislikes. Be sure to include how you would feel if the programs you're involved in weren't able to be funded by your school.

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